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HomeZodiacZodiac horoscopes for the week of March 21 - March 28 2024

Zodiac horoscopes for the week of March 21 – March 28 2024

Writeup by Hanako Blossom

Aries Horoscope
21 March – 19 April

You will be preparing to enter into a new chapter of your life this week, Aries, with the sun moving into your sign. You may be developing personal goals, or you could be met with exciting opportunities. In addition, you might be uncovering new hobbies and interests. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you may be reaching a turning point in a relationship. You could be taking a big next step with your partner, or you may be letting go of a relationship that isn’t working. You may also be solidifying a business partnership or bonding with a friend.

Taurus Horoscope
21 April – 21 May

You will be making time to be by yourself this week, Taurus, with the sun moving into Aries. You may be more emotional than usual, or you could be low energy and need space to recharge. You may also be confronting repressed fears or emotions, and working to actively heal mindsets that are holding you back. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you may experience changes at work, or you could hear about a job opportunity. You may be making adjustments to your daily routine too, or you’re prioritising your physical health by eating well or exercising.

Gemini Horoscope
22 May – 21 June

You feel support coming from other people this week, Gemini, with the sun moving into Aries. Friends might be reaching out, or you could be organising a group activity. You may also be attending commitments for other people, like a birthday party or a wedding. In addition, you may feel optimistic about the future goals you’re working towards. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you may be developing a creative project, or you could be discovering hobbies that bring you joy. You may also be finding greater self confidence when dating and in social situations.

Cancer Horoscope
22 June – 22 July

You will be thinking strategically about your career goals this week, Cancer, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be applying to new jobs or taking on greater responsibilities within your current role. You may also be figuring out what type of work you want to be doing in the long term. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you will also be busy with home and family related activities. You might be preparing to move or redecorate, or you could be visiting your family. You may make powerful realisations about certain family relationships or childhood memories too.

Leo Horoscope
23 July – 22 August

You will be ready to try out new experiences this week, Leo, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be thinking of the bigger picture in life, and you could be travelling or feeling more connected to your sense of spirituality. You may also be learning about new subjects, and you will want to share your knowledge with people. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you may be busy meeting up with friends or attending events in your city. You might be wrapping up communication work too, like a presentation, piece of writing, or your own website.

Virgo Horoscope
23 August – 23 September

You will be introspective this week, Virgo, as the sun moves into Aries. You may be facing patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving you, or you could be working on how to better communicate within your close relationships. On the other hand, you may be spending quite a bit of money, or you’re looking to save for your future. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you may be preparing to launch a big project at work, or you’re thinking about starting your own business. You will be realising what valuable skills you bring to your job.

Libra Horoscope
24 September – 23 October

You will feel good about your relationships this week, Libra, as the sun moves into Aries. You may be spending time with a good friend, or you could feel closer to your partner. You may be more confident when dating too, and you could be getting clear on what your expectations are in a relationship. With the lunar eclipse in your sign, you may make important realisations about your personal goals and how you might prioritise those more. You could also be making a major life change, like moving, starting a family, getting married, or getting a new job.

Scorpio Horoscope
24 October – 23 November

You will be sticking to a routine this week, Scorpio, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be making an effort to take care of your body through regular exercise and eating well. You may also feel more organised at work, or you’re being met with new job opportunities. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you will also need to carve out time to rest and be by yourself. You could take a greater interest in spiritual activities, like meditation, journaling, or even astrology. You may want to better understand your own emotions and release any limiting mindsets.

Sagittarius Horoscope
24 November – 21 December

You will be finding ways to relax and have fun this week, Sagittarius, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be developing a creative project, and you could be figuring out how to inject your unique personality into whatever you’re working on. You may also have dating activity going on, or you’re craving more romance in your current relationship. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you will be busy with group events and seeing friends. However, you may realise what friendships are truly important to you, or your friends may be going through big life changes themselves.

Capricorn Horoscope
22 December – 20 January

You will be tending to home related matters this week, Capricorn, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be visiting your family, or you’re preparing to move or redecorate. You may also be thinking about the past more than usual, and you could be doing healing work surrounding family relationships or childhood memories. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you may experience changes at work. You could be leaving one job behind for another, or you may realise what career path you want to commit to moving forward. You could also receive praise and attention at your job.

Aquarius Horoscope
21 January – 19 February

You will be on the go this week, Aquarius, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be meeting up with friends, attending events, taking a trip somewhere, or exploring a new area of your city. You may also be developing communication based work, like a website, newsletter, or podcast. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you will be considering your core life beliefs, and you may feel connected to your spirituality. You might want to explore subjects like astrology or manifestation, or you may be making concrete progress in writing or public speaking endeavours.

Pisces Horoscope
20 February – 20 March

You will be motivated at work this week, Pisces, as the sun moves into Aries. You might be developing projects of your own, or you could be preparing to launch your own business. You may be taking on freelance work too or looking for other ways to boost your income. However, you may be spending quite a bit of money and splurging on yourself. With the lunar eclipse in Libra, you will be focused on self improvement. You may be working to overcome any relationship conflict, and you could better understand why you have certain reactions and behaviours.

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